Ines Roesler, Founder
Find out more
Systems and processes are part of everyday work life, and it makes a big difference how they support us to get our jobs done. I went from being a regular system user, to someone asking for changes and being involved in changes, to finally being the one managing implementations from start to finish.
Designing systems and processes with the user in mind while fulfilling business and technical requirements isn’t easy. But, when this is done well magic happens – users become more effective and efficient, and they are happier using the tool provided. This improves user adoption significantly and therefore makes these implementations more successful.
I started this company to do just that: Providing the bridge between technical and non-technical requirements and stakeholders. We provide outside resource to not only help with project management or system design, but to support you from project design through to user roll out.
Process & System design
Designing processes and systems to achieve your organization’s goals with users as key stakeholders
Hands on support to implement processes
and systems
Project Management
Supporting you to achieve your project goals from project design through to launch and adoption
User enablement
Helping users understand tools and how to get the most out of them
Roesler Marketing Systems Consulting GmbH
Ines Roesler
Marie-Juchacz-Straße 21
76137 Karlsruhe
Tel.: 0721 47047266